Book keeping / Accounting


What is Book keeping / Accounting?

Book keeping is the method of keeping the track record of the transactions pertaining to the business which helps to analyze and predict the financial health of the businesses. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. Ultimate goal of accounting principles is to ensure that a company's financial statements are complete, consistent, and comparable.

  1. It enables users to assess the performance and financial position of a company over a period of time.
  2. It provides data in decision making, planning, and controlling processes.
  3. It helps in preparation and adherence income tax and other laws.
  4. Facilitates auditing of accounts easily and framing of accounting policies & Procedures.
  5. It helps in fulfilling various information needs of interested parties in a better way.
  6. It helps to value the businesses
  7. It helps in reduction of theft and frauds.
  8. It helps to Compare the results between prior years and similar entities
  9. It helps to ensure statutory compliance & assess the tax liability
  10. Replacement of Memory
  1. Some Accounting information is based on estimates
  2. Accounting information may be biased
  3. Manipulation of Accounts
  4. Money as a measurement unit change in Value

How TAX Planner works

At Tax Planner, we understand that every business needs bookkeeping/Accounting that fits to their operation. We offer customized solutions to streamline your finances. We offer cost-effective, top-quality bookkeeping services to small, Medium and large scale businesses and start-up companies that don’t need a full-time bookkeeper With them.

You can focus on your business while we efficiently and accurately manage your finances. Our team of professionals will deliver high-quality bookkeeping services on time.

Our goal is to provide our clients with exemplary service, giving them the help that they need. We tailor our services to your particular needs. We are committed to the following three underlying principles that guide us in delivering outstanding service.




How can we help you?

  1. Step 1: Get set up and connect you
  2. we’ll introduce you to a dedicated bookkeeper. He will get to know your business, and show you how Tax Planner works with you

  3. Step 2: Get your financial insights in real-time
  4. Get a snapshot view of all your money-in and money-out, whenever need, even before your books are closed.

  5. Step 3: Do your bookkeeping
  6. Each month, Our bookkeeping team records your business transactions and prepares financial statements. If they need anything from you, they’ll get in touch.

  7. Step 4: We deliver tax-ready financials on time
  8. we send a package with everything you need to file

Our Packages

Monthly basis packages

Annual Basis packages

Catchup Book keeping Packages

For Your Monthly/Annual Bookkeeping Needs

Accurate bookkeeping helps gauge your business success. you’ll be able to see exactly how well you’re doing. You can also keep track of your expenses and address pain points in your financial status quickly. You can review the patterns and trends of your business. However, the process of bookkeeping can be tedious and difficult and many businesses are not as focused as maybe they should be in proper bookkeeping.

This along with other factors can contribute to why many small businesses end up failing during their first few years. Through our monthly and Annual bookkeeping service, you can focus on other aspects of your business and leave the documentation of financial and accounting reports to us. With our services, you can be sure that your business financial records are well kept and organized. Contact us today by selecting one of suitable package below to discuss how best to maintain your financial files.

Basic Package Standard Package Enterprise Package
Ideal For Startup/Small size businesses Medium Size businesses Larger business with Complex needs
Cost for Monthly book keeping Rs.10,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.30,000
Cost for Annual book keeping Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable

For Your CATCHUP Bookkeeping Needs

This is for business owners who are behind on their book keeping. Several years behind on business taxes and bookkeeping?

With Tax Planner, a specialized team of experts gets you caught up, ready to file back taxes, and in the clear with the IRD. No matter your business situation (or how many years of back taxes), we can handle any amount of catch up bookkeeping. Your Tax Planner team will work with you on a bookkeeping deadline to ensure that your books get done fastway.

What you get with TAX Planner!

Emergency support

Letters from the IRD? Years of back taxes to be filed? Missing records? No matter what challenges your business is facing, Tax Planner has you covered.

Affordable payment plans

The cost of catching up on your bookkeeping shouldn't be a dealbreaker for your business. We provide the customized packages with a clear payment plan.

Fast turnaround times

you get complete and accurate books back quickly to use them for whatever you need.


What is Quick book software?

QuickBooks is a very powerful and useful software for Small businesses in terms of maintaining and keeping your business financial records. It is continuously being upgraded so that it can be accessed from any type of modern devices.

It simplifies the accounting, storage and reporting of your business finances allowing you to quickly pull out financial records when needed. you can manage and report your taxes correctly and on time.

What we Offer
We offer personalized QuickBooks training for you

TAX Planner aims to help you to improve your skills and knowledge in using QuickBooks. We offer personalized training sessions for you to help maximize your use of QuickBooks.


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